The Lord, my Protector!

I was driving home from running errands on November 14th. It was raining, and I didn’t see the pool of water ahead. I hit it, and hydroplaned, and felt myself loose control of the car. I was jerked toward the concrete median, and then just as suddenly, was thrown the opposite direction. Next thing I know, I’m headed straight into the side of an 18 wheeler. I distinctly remember seeing the side of the semi inches away from my windshield. Everything was going in slow motion… like a movie.

There was no time to think and I had absolutely no control over the vehicle to change direction or anything. I could only shout “JESUS!” at the top of my lungs. Praise God, that is all it takes!

I can’t quite remember details, but I remember holding tightly to the steering wheel and pushing my bodyweight into the seat. As I hung on, the car was spun and shoved in every direction.

When it was over, I was in the median, out of the way of traffic, facing the wrong direction with the passenger side of the vehicle pushed up against the barrier. I was partially stunned and completely amazed. I looked over myself, completely unhurt. I started thanking the Lord for His miraculous protection.

I walked away from all of that, perfectly fine aside from some scratches on my hands from the glass (which I probably wouldn’t have gotten if I hadn’t had to climb out through the windshield… the doors wouldn’t open). How merciful is our God!

When I got home, I felt led to open my Bible to a couple of Psalms that had ministered to be before about God’s protection. Psalm 16 and 17.

Psalm 16:8 “I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.”

I cannot stress the importance of communion with the Lord. Of carrying with you at all times an awareness of His presence. I believe it was by design that all day, as I was running errands, I had been praying in the Spirit (Romans 8:26). I believe it was by design that as I got on the interstate to head home the Lord brought to mind to pray protection over my family and friends and over myself.

It’s easy to hear His voice when we’re focused on Him. We can focus on Him no matter where we are and no matter what we’re doing.

“… by the word of Your lips, I have kept away from the paths of the destroyer. Uphold my steps in your paths, that my footsteps may not slip. I have called upon You, for You will hear me, O God; incline Your ear to me, and hear my speech. Show Your marvelous lovingkindness by Your right hand, O You who save those who trust in You from those who rise up against them.”

Psalm 17:4-7

What marvelous lovingkindness the Lord has shown to each of us! I believe when we get to Heaven, we’re going to be amazed at all the times we were unknowingly protected by His divine intervention. God is constantly turning what is meant for evil against us to good towards us (Genesis 50:20).

One thing this incident has done for me is it has rekindled an excitement for the things which are ahead. I look forward to God doing awesome things in Spain, and all around the world! It is no coincidence that I am still here… there is work to be done for His Kingdom (Philippians 1:21-26)!

As always, I thank you all for your continued prayers and support. God is using you in more ways than you realize to bring about His purposes. Stay vigilant in prayer, and diligent in your obedience to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Together we will accomplish great and mighty things by the grace of God!


Prayer Points: Needs Supplied


Prayer Points: Those in Authority